Monday, January 10, 2011

Pauline's Tattoo

"If I had a tattoo"
Pauline L. Lazzarini
acrylic on wood with computer drawing

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chloe's Hybrid

This is a piece of a computer that I found by a railroad.
I put it in the garden and planted a few seeds in it, and this was the result.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Laurel's Tattoo

"Tattoo Bird"

Bev's Portals

Oil on canvas

Inspired by a photograph taken by photographer friend Dick Bosworth. I warned Dick of my plan to take advantage of the excellent composition of his original photo, and that the colors were going to be exaggerated from the soft pastels of the scenic Southwestern palette he encountered at the time of his shot. Also that the light was going to pulsate, rather than soothe. When I showed Dick this painting, I believe he was surprised a lot and pleased - just a bit.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Marilyn's Tree of Life

"Mother Nature with her Baby Jesus Hare"
Oil and acrylic

This one took a long time to evolve. I began with the crown of nests and then didn't know where to go after that. I changed the images on the veils several times. Once I thought of it as Tree of life, then everything else fell into place. Have I made you hungry?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pauline's Portals

"The portal to my secret world"

It is a 5 x 7 acrylic and found objects on wood.....

Norma's Therapy

(Heart Therapy)
CANVAS.........12 X 16 INCHES

Mary's Under the Bed

(She does it for the shoes)

Continuing to exploit every theme to serve as prompts to further the collection of 'Bella Portraits', I've once again leaned hard on some old version of photoshop to depict Miss Thing as a thing ON TOP of the bed, with something(s) of interest UNDER THE BED. Namely her sex-pump bedroom slippers. All four of them.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Laurel's Submission

Submission is thinking I know what I'm going to paint...and letting that go...and just seeing what is showing up on my canvas. Like that.

Pauline's Hybrid

"Mickey the Munchkin cat"

Photo with computer background...

Joelle's Submission


Prismacolor pencils on student quality 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
I start with the lightest shades, sketching lightly as the image unveils itself, building up to the darkest and brightest.

Submission can be entering a piece in a show, and so I could do with this drawing, but when I received the theme I immediately thought of the humiliation of submission to a superior power.